My cat, Vinnie, is having a very bad day.
He and Wednesday started off the day by getting their annual shots. Then, Vinnie came back and was unwinding, playing with a bug that got in, when he got stung in the mouth. It turned out that it was a bee. Occasionally, bugs seem to get in, but usually it's just a fly or something, so we thought that's what it was until he yelped in pain. That's when Rob found the dead bee, and I called the vet. We rushed over to the vet, much to Vinnie's chagrin. He hid under the bed and wouldn't move, as he saw us pull down the cat carrier, and yowled all the way there. One quick shot, and he was back in the car heading home.
Vinnie is now laying on the carpet, disgruntled, no doubt thinking how this is the worst day ever.
I need to go to school to get some of my assignments done, but I want to wait and make sure that Vinnie is okay, with no major swelling or other problems.
We just ordered a video machine, which will have most of what I use for school and then some on it. That will be nice, because it gives me the chance to work on my projects. We're getting a stop motion digital camera as well, which will give me the chance to work on some of my stop motion projects. First and foremost, the claymation short which I've been wanting to shoot forever, as well as the puppet animation project which involves one of my friends playing a zombie pimp daddy. I have another idea which is a monkey rendition of Glengarry Glenross. (Don't steal my ideas or I'll sic my zombie pimp daddy on you to eat your brains.)
I'm excited, and this may be the impetus that I need to get out of my funk. I have been enjoying school immensely, and I like the solid foundation in design, but I've been so consumed by the newness of school, and all the travelling (we went away again this past weekend) that it seems to have an adverse impact both on my inspiration and my motivation to get to work on these projects.
I really want to get to work and start submitting my work to festivals. By all analysis, I should be just the type to get my own series: wacky, eccentric, with an artistic style unrefined enough that I could get a decent cult following.
To quote Pulp, "I could be a genius if I could just get 'round to it..." (or something like that.)