It's Hallowe'en.
What can I do tonight? I could go to the Blue Dahlia show, go to a hippie bar to see a goth band, while sipping wine because they don't actually have a liquor license.
Or I could stay at home, in the hopes that the trick or treaters will show up at my door, and I can have something to comemmorate the holiday, besides bad prime time television.
I really can't wait to leave this town.
I'm groggy. So groggy, in fact, that even the screen is a little blurry, despite the coffee I've been drinking. I think it's going to take a lot more of it to get me anything that resembles awake.
I read the mail this morning from Blackplanet, the Chicago goth list. I wonder why I even bother to read it anymore. Sure, there are a few folks who venture to say something intelligent and that makes me cheer but for the most part, it's the same three or four people saying the same poinless bullshit. Most of this consists of never once actually considering a point, no matter how valid, but using really trite and transparent techniques to attempt to belittle a point. I suppose if you were new to the mailing list, or to mailing lists in general, you might fall for this. But when you've been around a little, you see this for what it is. Even more, when you get to know the people on the list you realize that the people who do these things the most are actually kind of tools. Most of their time in real life seems spent trying to suck up to people and the arrogant attitude they portray via email is the most embarrassingly obvious form of overcompensation.
Maybe it's getting near time to unsubscribe again...
So, in other news...
I now have a super secret online diary. I wasn't going to do this. A friend got to talking about one of the online services, where a bunch of people keep diaries. I'd always thought these were silly. Sure, they may get you a bit more exposure, but if you already have someone hosting your website and are the slightest bit HTML savvy, they're unnecessary.
So why did I open an account?
Well a few reasons. First and foremost, boredom. It gave me something to do.
Secondly, as much as I swore I wasn't going to censor myself on this, I haven't quite reached this end. Despite my noble attempts, I know far too many people who actually read this thing.(I guess that's what I get for being interesting, huh? Heh.) So there are times I want to say things under the cloud of anonymity and even if I don't name names, it gets into that vague territory of the obvious. Being part of one of these little diary clubs, while keeping my identity something of a secret, gives me a lot of liberties that I don't have here.
Thirdly, it gives me the chance to be voyeuristic of other peoples' lives. Whenever I go to the site to see mine, or update mine, it also gives a list of recently updated diaries. That allows me the chance to waste more time on the internet. Being that I spend far too much time sitting on the couch watching television and being unemployed, this is a positive thing.
This way I can spend too much time, sitting at my computer, cruising the internet being unemployed.
Much better I think.

