I was having weird dreams all night long.
I got a call around 2 AM when Rob got into San Francisco. I was completely out of it, but very relieved that he made it okay.
I had started to ease in my worry by the time he actually left, and then I was following his trip on line. He is right that this is the safest time to fly. With the armed guards and the random bag checks and all. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Rob was telling me that there were actually armed military guards at the San Francisco airport. I think this does more to give your average, law abiding citizen the feeling that they're living in a police state and less to actually stop anyone who might be planning a terrorist attack. My fear of Rob's flying has less to do with the september 11th attack and more to do with a general paranoia about air travel in general.
I am very disturbed by the current trend of this country. I'm disturbed by the sudden and unquestioning faith in our government, the push to have more and more laws that are "for our own good" but are just plain creepy. Random surveillance, racial profiling, all these things that give the vague fear of something remnant of pre-Nazi Germany all in the name of "protecting freedom". I don't get it.
But enough of that. I sent off my applications to Roosevelt and Elmhurst. I'm kind of glad to not be going to art school. I can actually apply to a private school and be fairly confident that I'll be able to get the tuition covered. That's something I was never able to say about art schools.
I hope I did a good enough job on my essays. I wasn't entirely happy with my Roosevelt essay, it seemed a bit rushed and choppy, and since it says on the application that it's used for scholarship purposes, I'm a little concerned. I can be such a perfectionist when it comes to writing.
I had weird dreams last night.
I dreamed I was in Puerto Rico. We were just passing through. I really wanted to see it, though. We stopped at this house. Nick Cave was going to be playing nearby. I convinced Rob to stay the night so we could go to the concert. Then all these people came over. I kept worrying about making it to the concert. But we started entertaining all these guests, and it didn't look like the concert was going to happen. I was a bit disconcerted. I was some place I had never seen, yet here I was drinking booze and watching movies, as if I were at home.
I had another dream that I was in a sociology class. I had this strange teacher, very surly but very persuasive. The class went on for hours without a break. I had an extra chair, with a few of my coats and blouses on it. The teacher kept sitting on the chair. After class, I took the clothes to a closet in a computer lab and then hung it up there.
Right before I woke up, some random person was giving me a hard time about something and asked for some handwriting samples. I gave all these typography examples and suddenly they were wowed by me, saying I had all this talent. I thought this was very silly and didn't want to bother with them.
As I said, weird dreams.

