Rob found out at 7 pm tonight that he has to be in California tomorrow night. He won't be back until early Sunday morning.
I hate his job sometimes. He never has any notice when he goes on these assignments. It's really unsettling. One minute we're planning a movie or a dinner, next minute he's boarding a plane for the next week.
Making it worse, there are frequently impending jobs that never happen. He'll hear Friday that he needs to be in Colorado by Monday, but then it won't happen. So it's a constant state of whim and change.
Of course my anxiety about airplanes doesn't make it any easier. When I fly, I get nervous. Usually, as long as I can have a drink, I'm fine. But when he flies, I'm a nervous wreck.
With all the horrible things that happened recently, it's worse. I know, intellectually, that it's safer than ever to fly. After Septemeber eleventh, security is very tight. But, when you're already a little nervous about airplanes and when all you hear about is airplane safety and a big trip comes out of the blue it can be unnerving.
But mostly, I just hate how these things spring up. I mean, I know it's good in recession time, because it's better to be going on jobs than to be sitting around, watching television. And it's nice that when he's not on jobs that he's able to work from home. But I really wish there was at least notice and he wasn't getting sent to the other side of the country.
Anyhow, in brighter news, I had a really good talk to my father last night.
I told him in greater detail about the problems I had at Valley as well as my reservations about studying art. I was saying how I love my art and I love being innovative and experimental with it, but that same love made studying it take the joy out of it. He was really supportive of it and could identify.
So it was good that we were able to have a talk about it. I had been concerned about tension over the disagreement a month ago. But it was a very positive heart to heart.
I think I am going to focus on my writing. At least to pay the bills. I still enjoy it immensely, and I think I can be influential with it. I want to keep my visual works pure. While studying writing, I'm going to submit my animation to festivals and my paintings to galleries. After all, even as an artist, strong writing skills are a real benefit. And I just don't feel right about art school. I have always found it frustrating. But with writing, I have done it my whole life, and I have had enough formal training already that I can distance myself from it while I study it, without having the joy removed from it.
That said, I've sent applications off to Roosevelt University and Elmhurst college. I've done so with a fresher spirit, unfettered by the sheer evil that was Valley, and to a lesser degree, Columbia...

