I must have been on crack.
What was I thinking, considering taking other courses at Valley?
I guess I'm just so desperately bored. I want something to occupy my time.
I came to my senses though. I was actually talking to someone about the teachers I'd picked. This is someone who even likes Valley, and gave me a not very flattering heads up of two of the teachers. I realized, as I talked to him, that I was kidding myself. It's just a bad school. I mean, it's fine if you're young and haven't had much exposure to college, but if you have it's frustrating beyond belief.
But in a way, I'm not at all bummed out by this realization.
See, realizing this restores my faith in my ability to be a successful student at some point, and to even study art if I so choose. Yeah, I've had some school blunders in the past but this wasn't one of them. It was actually a highly sensible decision.
As I listened to horror stories about teachers I would wind up having if I went, it dawned on me that Valley is the last thing I should be using as a barometer for what I would and would not be happy doing. Valley could take the joy out of anything I wound up taking there.
That said, I'll be damned if I'll let them determine my future actions. I'd be better off if I just forgot that the whole thing ever happened, and start over with a fresh slate when I get to Chicago.
I still haven't felt like touching a graphics program since I dropped out of there. It really soured me onto it. That will change, I'm sure. I just have to give it time. Until then, though, I'm concentrating on my paintings as well as drawings in charcoal and pastels. I've been a mad painting machine.
Well that and puppet zombies.
Sure, I wish I could re discover my love for Flash. I'm sure that will come with time though. But I could still do a lot worse...