Rob doesn't have to go to Texas! Yay!
He has a one day job in Indianapolis which was deemed more important than the training, so he got out of that.
I am very happy about this.
So we had a really interesting conversation at the costume store today. The guy who runs the store is a special effects guy who has made all kinds of puppets and masks for various movies.
I so want his life!
Well, except for the part about having lived in this town since 1979, but still...
We talked to him for a long time. He didn't want us to leave, actually. I guess I can't really blame him for that. I mean, the guy has lived in this town for over twenty years, and earns his living from making gigantic alligator heads and space aliens, and we actually know something about what he does. Rob and I were pretty ecstatic to talk to someone with a common interest, and someone who is making a living at what is probably one of the only cool and interesting jobs out there.
It made our day.
Tonight we're going to a show. It's the band of a guy that I used to squat with. It's kind of weird, actually, to be seeing someone from that far in my past. But, it's good to keep those contacts, and it could be fun. Besides, we haven't been out in ages.
It's turning out to be a pretty good day...