Wow, I'm really hung over.
Last night, Rob and I went to the Green Top to hook up with a friend. We sat around and drank a bunch, I was doing my usual kamikaze shots in great volume (it's nice to see that I'm getting my old tolerance back, after having become accustomed to the watered down crap they serve in so many Chicago bars.) I then, for old time's sake, moved onto the waxy woo woo. I told the bartender how to make a woo woo, and she did an excellent job. In fact, I think she has done the best job I've seen of making them resemble the original. At one point, we were talking, I was telling some story or other when this man who looked like the bartender in Barfly came by and started sniffing my arm. "Nope not you," he slurred. "You aren't wearing perfume." "Nope," I said, "just hairspray. " He mumbled something about how he was trying to find the smell all night and Rob said, " Is it a smell like carpet cleaner?" And the guy got all excited. "Yeah! Juss like that..." before stumbling off.
After the bar closed (apparently very early, last call is at midnight) Rob and I were heading back to the Jetta and Rob said "Do you want to go to Meijers?" Which sounded like a damned good idea.
We had to take a long, winding detour to Meijer's, due to construction. It was a little rough with as drunk as I was feeling, but I just put on some music and pretended the car wasn't tearing around these curvy bends and leaving my stomach about half a mile behind.
So at Meijers we went looking for all sorts of fun stuff, and wound up finding the frozen section. Now, we had been grocery shopping the day before, but had somehow missed the frozen dinner section. No chance of that this time.
As we left, Rob said "I hope I like goose."
"Goose?" I asked.
"Yeah, I just bought one."
So today I am a bit hung over, but this Italian Roast from Fourth Coast is helping to remedy that somewhat.
Oh, and backtracking a bit...
I had the final interview yesterday. I met again with the HR woman, as well as with someone that worked in what my department would be. She was nice, this older woman who was from Chicago originally and had been living in Kalamazoo for twelve years. She sympathized with my culture shock but also said that she really grew to love it here. She was a very funny and energetic person, and the interview seemed to go well. I was told that they were expecting to get my background check within twenty four hours and then they would just have to send the proposed offer letter to the main office in California for approval. They said that I should be getting a call next week. Well, that's very promising, and I'm quite excited. It looks like a really good company to work for and it would be really perfect for school. (Not only will they completely work around my school schedule, but they're actually really close to it.)
I'm actually getting excited about school, despite the inexplicable creepiness of the building itself. That should be a fairly good time, and stuff seems to be coming together relatively smoothly.