So we went to Chicago this weekend.
It was a really great time. We both had so much fun. We got a really nice hotel room in Lakeview. It was this four star, 1920s style hotel. We both loved it. We didn't even mind Lakeview all that much. Once a bit yuppified and annoying, it seemed vibrant and diverse after two months in Kalamazoo.
We went to Chicago Comics, where I stocked up on supplies, and then went for coffee at Pick Me Up. We then returned to the hotel where we unwound for a bit. There was a Law and Order marathon on, so we watched that for awhile before getting ready for dinner.
We went to dinner at Canella's on Grand. Canella's is great. It's this traditional family Italian restaurant. At first it took awhile for us to get a waiter. I was starting to get concerned that we hadn't even gotten a wine list when the owner noticed that we still didn't even have drinks. So I saw him point at us and ask one waiter a question then I saw him go over to another waiter and point at us, and heard him say "you go tell them you're sorry and you'll bring them some pizza bread." Wow, that's great. So the waiter came over very apologetic, and brought us pizza bread. The owner then came over and apologized as well, explaining there were no assigned waiters on Sunday and it was his mistake, because he hadn't assigned anyone to us. Now that is service. The meal itself was delicious beyond description and I got a bowl of pasta about the size of my head. It was great. We took home our left overs. It's going to take me a week to finish the food. It's stuff like this I have sorely missed.
We went back to the hotel for a little bit, to let our food settle and get ready to go out. Then we went to Zombo and Alex's party which was a tremendous amount of fun. Lots of folks that we knew were there, many of whom we hadn't seen in awhile, as well as folks that we hadn't met before but who were fairly entertaining. I was feeling a little under the weather and so not drinking as much, but it was still a good time. I told folks about our adventures in Kalamazoo. One person hit the nail right on the head as to why we'd moved. "You were just living in that shitty neighborhood and just wanted to get as far away from it as possible." How very true. I know a few people who feel this way, who have left and come back or are in the process of coming back. I had no idea at the time that we were those people but in retrospect I can see that we are. Well, it happens. If you get into the wrong living situation in Chicago it can be sheer hell. There's a way you have to handle living in that city and if you can't, it can really start to get to you.
After awhile, I wasn't feeling that great and wanted to leave, so we said our goodbyes and caught a cab. When we got back to the hotel, Rob and I talked about how just right and back in our element we had felt during our visit. We knew that we couldn't last more than a year in Kalamazoo. We had to get out, and getting out most likely involved moving back to Chicago. There's a lot I grew to hate about the city, and that no doubt was at least partially by a bad living situation, so if we did it right, it would be better. Also, my skills will be a lot more marketable by the time we get back, between work and school. Additionally, I'll have a car. Rob made the comment that he couldn't count how many job interviews I received calls for that would have been perfect except I couldn't get to them due to the lack of a vehicle.
We went to breakfast at Hollywood, which was great. I had missed that place. Their food is so good. Then we went to Discovery since I wanted to find new clothes. But their clothes these days suck. All just trashy seventies tank tops and tube skirts. Blah. They used to have such variety.
Then we got home and I looked up some information. It would seem the people who manage our complex also have apartments in chicago that they manage. One is right on the gold coast. It's a little out of our budget but is still very reasonable with the location. Rob says we might be able to swing it by then, we'll see. The other is very nice and in Arlington Heights, and we could definitely manage. It even has paddle boats on the premises. Now that makes me happy. I like paddle boats.
And it's back to work for me today. Oh
well, at least I'm on my new schedule...