So sometimes Rob and I will talk on AIM or ICQ even though we're in the same room. Sometimes these conversations can be quite wacky and fun. On one such conversation we got into my childhood memories of camp. It was called Calvary camp and it was in Conneaut, Ohio. The discussion went as such:
CrypticFunction: so I was thinking
FiRe23GoD: you want a bike?
FiRe23GoD: that's what I was thinking
CrypticFunction: no, a pony
FiRe23GoD: ahh, a bike is more excercise than a pony
CrypticFunction: not the way I ride
FiRe23GoD: umm that sounds vaguely disgusting dear
CrypticFunction: only because you have a dirty mind
CrypticFunction: as a kid, I always got the pony that would run real fast, and throw me off and I would have to run and try to get back on the pony
FiRe23GoD: !!!
FiRe23GoD: I see
FiRe23GoD: you had a pony in Greensburg?
FiRe23GoD: was it a mental patient from the asylum that thought he was a pony?
CrypticFunction: no at summer camp in conneaut, ohio. a shetland. fucked up my back but good one summer
FiRe23GoD: I see
FiRe23GoD: was it an Ohioan from Ohio (almost like an asylum) who thought they were a pony?
CrypticFunction: yeah got me lost in the woods another time
CrypticFunction: no it was a real shetland pony
FiRe23GoD: ahh
CrypticFunction: this camp was barely in ohio, right along lake erie
CrypticFunction: about an hour from eerie, pennsylvania
CrypticFunction: I also played archery that summer. I had a crush on my counselor
CrypticFunction: and he supervised the archery range
CrypticFunction: and I was determined to show off and do really well and win his affections
well I was pulling the bow back and pulling it back, intent and focused when snap! the bow broke. It was embarrassing as fuck
FiRe23GoD: heh that is funny
CrypticFunction: yeah so I went to the rifle range
CrypticFunction: and tried to shoot a gun but all these other guns were going off and I got kinda creeped out, being the smallest person on the range (not that size is relevant but ya know)
CrypticFunction: so I wound up going to the dungeons and dragons game at this christian bible camp
FiRe23GoD: I see
FiRe23GoD: they allowed such a thing?
CrypticFunction: I had sucha pathetic childhood. and people wonder why I dont want kids
CrypticFunction: yup. It was supervised by another counselor
CrypticFunction: weird ass episcopalians