So I was sitting around, reading stuff on the net. I was actually reading online diaries. Not from rings I currently belong to, but to some that I don't.
Now, I realize I may be stating the obvious but I'm very un-girly.
I guess that's why I don't have very many female friends.
I guess that's why feminist rhetoric bothers me so much. I have no problem living in a "male dominated society"or "having to take on male traits to succeed in the business world". Mind you, I don't think either of these are actually true but even if they were, I would rather that than live in a woman oriented society.
First of all, women are catty. They're more likely to go behind your back and do something vindictive if they have a problem with you. They're more inclined to not respect your relationship with your significant other (sleazy men are opportunists, they go where they think they'll have a chance, and are pretty basic in their sleaziness. Sleazy women, however, don't just want to get laid, they actually get a smug satisfaction out of being "the other woman" and thus are actually a lot more competetive than men are.) and beauty myth crap aside, it's not men that are hyper critical of how a woman looks, it's other women. Try going out to a club or restaurant in something that doesn't look quite right on you or simply doesn't fit in. Notice how many condescending glares that you get from men versus how many you get from women.
And then there's the whole past time thing. I mean, I like to go shopping. I honestly do. But I don't like to make a big outing about it, and aside from my penchance for pretty Italian dresses, I'd just as soon go shopping for comic books or art supplies. Or books. I don't really go in search of "girly" things.
I'm a lousy cook, Rob does most of the cooking. I can't so much as sew a button.
And I'm sure as hell not the passive type. I don't get a pouty face (except as a joke) when Rob does something I disagree with, then bitch about him to a female friend while picking out curtains or getting my hair done. I tell him, and get it out in the open.
I'm also not a touchy feely person. I could give a rat's ass about who I offend. I pride myself on honesty. I generally think if given a choice between truth and sensitivity, truth is the more admirable trait. I don't tend to give very many compliments, I'm just not comfortable with them. I might occasionally hug my friends, but I'm usually drunk and they're usually good friends.
And chick flicks. Oh god do not get me started on chick flicks. I can't stand them. I hate them worse than most men do. When we went to see "The Score" (great movie, by the way) you could tell that 90% of the women there only went there because they wanted to make sure that their boyfriends came with them to see the next Julie Roberts flick. Me, I think it will be a wonderful day when something awful happens to that woman. I think it is a severe injustice that Phil Hartman was killed brutally by his wife yet people like Julie Roberts are still out there, making movies. I'd rather see some mob/crime flick than some romantic comedy any day. And I'm more than happy to watch weird zombie horror shit. Hell, I want to make weird zombie horror shit.
So, I guess it isn't any wonder that I tend to have many more male friends than female friends, and that most of the close female friends I've had also don't tend to get along all that great with other females. I mean, I can't think of anything worse than going shopping for curtains, trying overly hard to be as "sensitive" as possible and going to see the next Helen Hunt film.

