God my mail is boring today.
I had one email this morning. That's right, one. I didn't even get my usual headlines from the New York Times. That's usually good for killing some time at least.
Rob's at hillbilly U this week. He's doing a security assessment at some college on the border of Ohio, West Virginia and Kentucky.
I might go over to Valley to check out the school some more, find where my classes are going to be, and to see if there are any campus jobs. I'm trying very hard to find a job that I won't completely loathe. It seems at times like an effort in futility. I was on the monster.com website the other day and they had a poll on how much people liked their job. 32% of the people said they were biding their time until something better came along. 25% absolutely hated their job, 19% were indifferent to their job, 17% kind of liked their job and 5% loved their job.
Of course, the results are skewed based on the fact that if you're on the monster board, you're probably at least toying with getting a new job, but still. Seems it's more a balance of what offers the least amount of suck for the most perks than it is a case of finding something you really love. Factor in that finding that "dream job" isn't even remotely an option for me right now, and that I need something part time in a town where the majority of the population also needs something part time, I'll just settle for something that doesn't want me to thrust my skull through a monitor.
So, I've spent much of the past couple of days doing flash animation, which has been going well. I'm using the time I have between when school starts/when I find a new job and now to get as ahead as I possibly can on my projects. I think I'm coming along nicely on that whole sound and animation thing. It still needs some work obviously, and it may take a minute to load but if you want to check it out go here.
I'm trying to get the film projects done before school, too. That's more of a quandry due to the whole money factor. If I complained about working at Indymac sucking all of the creativity out of me, then quitting Indymac has done wonders for inspiring me.
I'm going to Chicago next week. Did I mention that? We're staying at a really nice hotel and I'll be visiting schools while I'm there, SAIC and UIC. I will, unfortunately, just miss the animation festival. But at least I will be able to wander aimlessly around the city, take the train places, and go out to decent restaurants...
Incidentally, last night, my boredom reached an all time high or low or however you would interpret it. I had some random Kalamazoomie ping me on Yahoo Messenger last night. Well, I'd had a little bit to drink and was in the mood to sort of fuck with the guy. The exchange went something like this:
cjhatty: HI
cjhatty: 22/M/KALAMAZOO
cjhatty: YOU?
sigilkitty: eh okay
sigilkitty: bored, drinking, that sort of thing
cjhatty: WHO ME?
sigilkitty: no thats me
cjhatty: PIC?
sigilkitty: no cause then youd know what I look like
sigilkitty: and well then Id have to kill you
sigilkitty: you might talk
cjhatty: PHOOEY
sigilkitty: its that statute of limitations thing, hasnt worn out you know how it is
cjhatty: ?
sigilkitty: heh
sigilkitty: heh you obviously arent up on your criminal chic
sigilkitty: unless, that is, you're one of the living dead which is entirely possible if you really live in kalamazoo
cjhatty: OK
sigilkitty: http://www.cobal.org/sigilkitty/july21.html
cjhatty: I KNOW THIS
sigilkitty: nah I think zombie is a more fitting term
sigilkitty: but then how do I know you arent one of them
sigilkitty: and you just want my picture so you can find me and eat my brain
Well, this got really boring after awhile, so I just stopped replying. But, like that really god awful game "chicken soup for the soul" it was amusing, in a satirical sort of way for the first five or ten minutes.
This coffee is giving me a headache this morning....

