So I quit my job.

I thought I might, so I snuck all of my cubicle decorations home with me the night before. I could fit all of them in my purse except for two stuffed anime kitties. I ducked out a few minutes early so as not to be obvious, then waited for Rob to come pick me up. Nervous that someone might leave and see me, I tried to make them as hidden as possible. When I saw Rob pull up in the Jetta, I came running out with the two cats under my arms.

I was feeling guilty about my decision to depart, but it was pointed out to me (by more than one person) that they weren't offering me a pay raise, or greater flexibility. And the fact is, they only gave me permission to apply for another position. However, the only ones that didn't already "have someone picked out for the job" I was way overqualified for. So fuck that.

The next day I emailed my resignation. It felt good.

Of course Tammy did not respond. I sometimes wondered if she was even bothering to read my emails. She never seemed to answer them. Not when I said I was sick, not the time I gave an embarrassingly open explanation of why I had to miss work because of it being the one year mark of my sister's death. (When you're that open with a person, you really ought to at least get a courtesy reply.) She didn't even reply to my proposed fall schedule until I followed up and asked her if I got it. So this is no big surprise. Hopefully I'll get my last check mailed to me.

I've noticed that since I quit Indymac, that I've really been hating this town a lot worse. I'm seeing it for what it is: bland granola types and trailer park trash. There seem to be an awful lot of tards here. There are tards everywhere, which makes me wonder if there isn't an overabundance of inbreeding going on. I think the reason for this is that when I was at Indymac, I had plenty to hate. I could focus it on my job. But now that I'm unemployed I'm forced to deal with the near endless sprawl of suck that surrounds me.

It's been worse since I got back from Italy, too. I mean, if you had to go from Rome to this wouldn't you be bitter, too?

So today Rob and I were at the supermarket when we saw that they had the "chicken soup for the soul" board game marked down. It has all these questions like "tell us about a tv show that inspired you and taught you something" and "tell us the person next to you's favorite flavor of soda pop." I figure that the potential for drunken sarcasm is nearly astounding. " well cannibal holocaust taught me that eating those who would oppress you is always a viable option" and other such things.

I am a very, very, very bored girl.

