My job is the hotel california. I am convinced of this.
I found out today that I was given approval to apply for a transfer within the company if I don't want to work in Customer Service. I was given the go ahead to apply for any positions I might be qualified for. I should have been excited but I wasn't. I had finagled a plan to actually bail after this week, and just kind of be an asshole about the whole notice thing. But now they're offering to do me a favor to keep me there. It's like a vortex, I can't leave. Or I feel bad about leaving at least, bad enough that I might not. I really am not sure what to do about this quandry.
There's a lot of positions that I could go for and I'm not sure what to do about it. On the one hand, there are some good opportunities available for me. I could get a position in the payoff department handling filing and processing of paperwork which would be relatively stress free by contrast. But it would make me sacrifice school. There would be a position available to me part time as an admin clerk but there are already a lot of applicants, and it's been posted for awhile.
The thing is this: I just don't feel right about quitting. I hate the idea of getting a job at Target or one of the many other crappy jobs in this town. But I don't feel right about not going to school either. I hate to have to give that up.
And the plot thickens.
I told Rob that I would go with him to Chicago week after next. We have the reservations booked and everything. Which means that I have to duck out a bit early
from the time I gave for notice if I want to go. If I don't go, then I won't be able to spend time with him all that week and I will have to cancel an appointment at SAIC for a school tour.
It sucks to have so many guilt complexes...