Wow, I need a break.
I've spent the past four days or so transcribing old diaries for the book. It's absolutely fascinating stuff, although my brain is going loopy from interpreting the past and massive amounts of typing. Time for a break.
Rob is in Detroit. He had an interview, which went very well. So, hopefully he'll get the job.
Myself, I've decided to finally lie for something that I actually want to do. I'm going to claim that my time in Chicago was spent bartending at my neighborhood bar. Hey, I know how to fix a lot of drinks, more than some bartenders do, actually. I know the bar industry like the back of my hand, and in fact I know how it works better than I knew how the corporate world worked when I decided to bullshit my way into an administrative assistant position. And I've always wanted to get an, er, respectable bar position. I figure why not, it could be fun. And there's no shortage of bar jobs in Detroit.
My New Years was uneventful. Rob and I stayed home with the cats and got very, very drunk. I spent much of the next day watching a law and order marathon, attempting to recover from said hang over.
We're moving in three days, we pack up the truck in two. It hardly seems real. I swear, I'm going to smack the next person who says "god, you move a lot". Gee, thanks Einstein. Is that why I'm always renting these trucks and packing up boxes? Believe it or not, I don't like moving but I generally have had good reasons when I do.
Oh well. The friends who tell me this are frequently people who complained back in 1995 that they intended on moving and are still in the same place. I might be rash at times, but at least I'm not constantly complaining about my situation and never changing it.
Of course this is where I put in my disclaimer to my friends who are in situations where it would fuck them royally if they tried to move who may read too much into my comment. No, silly, I don't mean you. I know you plan on changing your situation when you actually have the means to do so. I'm referring to people who have ample opportunity who don't out of the desire for stasis. You know who you are.
I mean, no offense intended but if you're going to criticize me for making too many changes then it's fair that I criticize you for not making enough.
Okay, enough sharing for today. I'm going to go back to my transcribing.
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