Ugh, what a meal.
Rob is doing some freelance job for his old boss, who is this extremely well off guy that sold his ISP at just the right time a few years back.
I accompanied him, where I spent most of the day talking with his old boss's wife. She's a lively woman and a great hostess, so it was a pretty pleasant day.
Then providian (those bastards) started harrassing me on my cell phone. First they called and I didn't answer it. I hate those fuckers. They start pestering me as soon as I'm a couple weeks late with my payment. They try to bully me with lies, which of course never works. But most of the time, I would rather not bother with them. Of all my bills, a really shitty credit card company is on the bottom of my list. In a few weeks, I'll have the money but for now, I have bigger concerns. And I'll be damned if I try to explain the situation to some collection agent that makes all of ten bucks an hour, and have them treat me like some deadbeat crackwhore because I cant pay my bill.
Fuck that.
So they called again, ten minutes later. I told them that I wasn't there. They called again thirty minutes later. I told them that I was visiting friends, that I couldn't talk and if they ever want to see their money, then to please stop calling. I hung up. They called back.
"We're suspending your credit card priviliges." She said. Considering that I'm over my credit limit, this was quite the threat.
"Good, then you people will stop pestering me."
"Not until you pay." She said.
"Then that's harrassment, and it's illegal." I replied.
"No, we can keep calling and keep calling until you pay." She insisted.
"And I'll tell you to fuck off every time." I said, then hung up the phone.
They didn't call back.
This, of course, caused uproarious laughter in everyone around me. Yup, I'm ballsy. Hey, these collection agents are basically somewhere beneath cockroaches on the evolutionary chain and about as smart. Plus, they basically parrot what their supervisors tell them to say, and have very little power anyways.
What, you're going to mar my credit rating?
But it's so perfect!
Oh--wait--never mind.
So, we all went out to dinner. It was this kind of bar and grill place downriver. I had the alfredo. Bad mistake. I had serious digestion all the way home.
I'll think twice about that...
But, otherwise, it was a fun day...
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