So, today a lot of stuff I put up for bid on ebay closes. Not that much of it has sold, though, and I'm really hoping that there's some eleventh hour stuff, because I'm really broke right now. I have about a hundred fifty dollars in the bank, and I just sent a fifty dollar check to ILIA for my application fee.
There's no way around it, I have to find a job. I knew it was inevitable but I was kind of hoping to scrape enough cash together so that I could at least float myself until I was in some sort of groove with my new school schedule. But that might not be a possibility.
And all the jobs are just so damned awful in this town. A lot of the really "cushy" positions by Kalamazoo standards are beneath me. That creates quite a quandry.
I blew off the coffee place. The insane woman had been supposed to call me that week or early the next week. But then this Wisconsin thing cropped up. I hadn't heard from her by mid week and it would have been really hard for me to get back from Chicago and for Rob to still get to Milwaukee at a reasonable hour. Well, this lovely woman decided to call me around 5 pm that Friday (as I learned when I checked my message remotely) to give me my schedule for the next week. She calls me a week after she was supposed to, without even checking in with me about what my availability was, when she had told me that she was hiring another person who also couldn't start for at least a week, and didn't know when she was going to train us. So, I blew her off. Of course she called again after we got back since I had been in Milwaukee when I was "supposed" to start. She was apparently all annoyed that I hadn't come in. Well, I guess she shouldn't have been a half hour late for her interview with me and then not called me back when she said she would. Rob took the call and gave me the message, telling her I was "still in Wisconsin."
We both agreed the job would be horrible but the sad thing is, that may very well be as good as it gets. I really don't want a job waiting on hicks, but I'm in pretty dire straits financially. I need to get at least a little more cash coming in than I have presently.
Well, the school schedule revamping worked out well. I absolutely love my graphic design class. Yesterday, we started working with typography in pagemaker,which is incredibly fun. My teacher is really good, too. She has a very solid idea of the professional world, and what it takes to be a good designer. She's a really good teacher, and I think I'll learn a lot from her.
My new section of design and appreciation is a lot better too. It's really incredible, like night and day. The teacher is very engaging, and actually treats us like adults. She also is really knowledgable. She's been teaching for twenty years, but she also does advertising design for a couple local magazines. She is a vast improvement from the last teacher. This makes me happy. It was well worth juggling my schedule around.
So at least school is going well, which was really what I wanted. I'm stuck in this town for the next year. I really wanted to be able to keep myself busy by learning stuff I love.

