These zombies are having my brain turn numb. I think that's what it is, because I've had fuck all to say.
It's not that I'm depressed or defeated or anything, just feeling very uninvolved, and as I try to motivate myself to write, other stuff needs to happen.
Not like it's been a waste, though. I mean I did a painting, which turned out really well, and a lot of work in flash. Right now, I'm supposed to be doing my laundry so I have something I want to procrastinate on more than my diary so it's your lucky day, or unlikely depending on your perspective.
We leave for Chicago tomorrow, with a flight to New York at noon the next day. I'll get to visit the school of visual arts and get to see coil, as well as hook up with friends.
As jazzed as I am about New York, I'm not too inclined towards moving there. Unless the SVA tour turns me around. But I haven't found much of interest in the schools. SVA is the only one that I even want to have a tour with. The rest either don't offer enough of what I want in a program or else they're just these really overpriced, really snotty schools that seem more concerned with making sure the "right element" gets in, so that wealthy parents in Connecticut will send their kids there.
Just as well. New York is so damned expensive, and a little too close to where I started out when I began galavanting all over the country eleven years ago. May as well plant myself in Chicago. It's a good town.
I did get an insider scoop on ILIA today which was cool. I still find the school very appealing, but I don't think that I want to go through the regime they have set up in their course guidelines. It's four classes a quarter, each 4 credit hours. That's sixty four credit hours a year, which is well above and beyond what is considered sane by most schools' standards. I'm taking fifteen credit hours now, and that's a semester, so one academic year would equal thirty credit hours. I don't think I want to push myself that hard. Yeah I want to get through school quickly and I understand why some students would want or need an accelerated program, but I think that would just take all the joy out of school. Plus, I want my summers free.
So I need to speak with both the admissions and financial aid. If I can arrange it so I only have to go twelve credit hours for three quarters, that's still thirty six credit hours a year: a healthy courseload. I just need to make sure that won't screw anything up with financial aid (it shouldn't) and I also need to make sure that they don't have any really quirky policies regarding that.
If not, I can go to UIC. If I don't get into UIC on the first try, I can go to community college for another year (only in Chicago rather than here) and build up my portfolio some more and then try.
So I'm going to Milwaukee for a few days. Yes, that's right. I spend the night in Chicago tomorrow,then go to New York til Thursday, then come back and go straight to Milwaukee from O Hare. Rob has a three day job there. So, that should be interesting. We'll be staying downtown. I wonder if I'll run into one of the many people in that town that I know and hate from my short jaunt when I was forced to live there. Well, I can just snarl and sip my coffee or some such thing. It should be an amusing way to pass the time. Then, that Saturday, Rob's mom is coming to visit and the following Monday I start school...
Well at least I'm keeping busy...