We were hoping to make a Kalamazoo run today, but it just didn't happen. There's too much that still needs to be done.

So, I've been busy packing. Wow, I think we really do have most of our stuff packed except for the stuff that we really do need to wait until the night before to get ready.

I bought a scale on Sunday. Needless to say, this was a deeply masochistic action on my part. I know I need to work out but somehow seeing the weight there in front of me doesn't seem right. And it's so misleading anyways, because of the whole build factor, where it's all distributed and stuff. Ah well, I guess being a hermit has its price. I'll lose it pretty fast once we move and I get to work out. Dammit, I remember when all I had to do was walk for an hour every day. But this midwestern climate has deemed that an impossibility. walking fifteen minutes is enough to make your legs feel like icicles half the time. And it always seems to go from cold to hot, so there's no real time to contend with that winter weight before putting on more revealing summer clothes. Bah.

I guess you really do need a work out room in this region.

So I have an appointment with a temp place on Monday. Hopefully that will lead to something. So far I haven't gotten an overwhelming response to my resume. I may have to take a full time job until school starts. I wanted something part time so I wouldn't have to switch jobs five months from now. I really do prefer getting one job and holding it for the better part of a year. But that may not be a possibility. It seems a lot of the more tolerable part time positions fill rather quickly. Well, I guess that only makes sense. It's a town of 70,000 people with three universities and a community college. Anything tolerable fills fast.

I am filled with trepidation about the whole school job thing. The Target near my apartment is filled with sorority girls working there. Apparently they're a really good student job. Now, I tend to think that sorority girls are too snobby to work a Target job. (Hell, I'm too snobby to work a Target job!) The fact that so many of them do makes me worry about what's actually available as a student. Well, I'm sure I'll find something I can do while in school. I just hope it won't be too frightening.

Saturday and Sunday, we have the truck. It's going to be a long weekend but we should be able to pull it off. I can't tell you how glad I am to be getting out of this city. I fully plan on leaving and never looking back. There's really nothing going on that I can say I'll miss. Hell, I'm not even indulging in goodbye lunches. Well, I had my birthday party, and I said goodbye to everyone I felt the need to there. And it's a fairly liberating feeling to put this city, and all the lovely memories it's given me, in the past, in lieu of the chapter of my life in the zoo.

