Now that the hell am I supposed to do with that?

I don't wear black. Some of you may be shocked. I'm 29. We all grow out of all of that sooner or later. I guess truth boils down to its finest essence, like the essence of an animal, or the marrow in the bones, only in the eyes of those who do not deny themselves a future, and their own pride.

This was written in my guestbook recently. First of all, why the fuck should I care if he wears black? Yeah I wear black. I don't see what that has to do with all the tea in China, though. I wear it because I like it. I have made my contempt for any club that would have me pretty well known, I don't have much group affiliation and have a broad range of tastes. But then, this guy doesn't even know me, there aren't very many pictures up of me and every single one is in black and white. How does he know how I dress, let alone what manner of dress I expect from those around me? (which, in general is clothed. I'm not into the whole nudist thing. Preferrably bathed in the past week, too, as my sense of smell is a little sensitive.)

Then there's the age thing. Um, okay. Well that's a useless bit of information and I'm supposed to draw what exactly with that? Is he trying to expect to wow me with the wisdom of his age? Never mind that I write my own age in a few places on this site, one of which is the "about me" section. If you're going to try to use your age to validate points you can't back up with logic or strength of opinion, at least have the common sense to check if the person you're using it on is significantly younger than you to give a shit. Is it to say that I'm supposed to have "outgrown" something, or some sage like urging that I will outgrow something?  Some vague association that you decided after reading a handful of online essays, or perusing my fiction or looking at my paintings? (I say a handful of online essays because obviously if he'd read all of them he'd know how pointless I would find that comment to be.)

And then we get to his nebulous  little comments on the essence of animals and whatnot. I see.  So what are you trying to say here exactly? To be yourself?  Ironic, coming from someone that seems to be trying awfully hard to sound profound, while simultaneously defending himself against some perceived notion of what category he thinks I fall into.

And then of course there's the one that I got a couple days prior:

I feel that life seems to drive the human soul to create things even if one is destroyed. As well as I live in a shell I find my creativeness as I destroyed the old shell I once worn to a new shell of new creative Ideas and Images. As for the site sharing you thoughts or ideas is good for your new shell and that you new shell shall bring you more ideas on life.

Now, while this is granted a lot less arrogant than the fellow that came before him, it still is unnecessarily nebulous. What's all this shell business?  I don't live in a shell or am particularly fond of them. Hell, the whole drive toward this diary is to do just the expose for the purpose of self expression, inspiration and to give food for thought. It requires a completely uncensored forum. Nor do I feel a shell is a particularly useful vehicle for creativity. It's experience that makes a good writer, artist or whathaveyou. Not hiding, and not wallowing in self pity.

Both of these are very intricate ramblings that really say very little. And I can't help but wonder what compels these people to write them. Don't get me wrong, I like getting feedback and having my guestbook signed, but I'd much prefer it if people didn't try so damned hard. I mean, my stuff is pretty much shoot from the hip sort of stuff.  Trying really hard to be deep won't impress me. I'll just think the opposite: that you're shallow and two dimensional and don't know how to respond to something that deals with real thought and self analysis and perspectives on life. I'll think you're the worst kind of ass kisser, the one who is so insecure that they need to impress some random stranger on the web or show off how flowery they can make those words. Save it. Save it for the trendy  Berkeley coffeehouses, I have no use for it.

So what, you may be wondering, do I want from a guestbook signature? Well, if I'm going to quote those that annoy me, I may as well quote those that I like.

Amy held me down in front of my computer and forced me, threatening an attack of rabid monkeys...

Now see this is great. If every entry could be like this, it could only be too perfect. Of course, that's from a friend, so I guess that doesn't count. Heh.

Hi !.......I just explorer The Internet then I found your is nice to see that people like Intenet like me.........If you have time I could recommend you visit my homepage. Please visit me soon.

See, this is nice. Straight forward, a respectable amount of self promotion, some expression of relating without going overboard or trying to kiss up.

nice page, i must say. the mysterious imagery and haunting verse makes this a site with charm. I grab a pint of Guinness and toast your site. Cheers!

This is also decent enough. Again, complimentary without being overly pretentious. Straight to the point, even if he is a guinness drinker :P

Like the art. The whole site could use more purple though. Good luck and may the gods smile upon your endevors.

See that works too. Constructive criticism is good. But again, straight and to the point....

I guess it's good to know that people are looking at my page. I mean, sycophants are the first sign of notoriety. So how about the rest of you, the ones that read it and like it but either keep quiet about it or tell me privately in a reasonably intelligent way...let's hear from the lot of guestbook is starting to resemble a poetry slam...

 january             pontifications