Well boys
and girls, it's time for another rant from yours truly. Yes, after intense
introspection, I am back in my mode to combat stupidity, expose sacred
cows and shatter illusions.
So those
of you who have issues with forthright statements, those who are easily
offended, go to neopets or something nice and safe.
Life is
gratifying. I am filled with optimism for the future, I have been doing
lots of flash animation and might actually get good enough to put it online.
I am about to go to school. And I got my tax forms today. It appears I
should be able to get a pell grant when I go to school, hence having the
aid I need to pay my rent and focus more on school.
I talked
to an online associate, who has an interest in developing games and wants
to collaborate once I get the necessary skills to design them. That makes
me happy.
My web
page has been getting a lot of hits but only locally. I wonder why that
One was
from a girl whose online diary consisted of detailing misadventures at
yuppie bars and was borderline obsessed with her perceived "weight problem".
( I've met women who were perfectly beautiful being full figured as much
as those who are very slender. There's many components to beauty and this
self deprecation based on size annoys the piss out of me.) She was local.
Another was this guy, also local, who contacted me via yahoo messenger.
Unfortunately, he was a little too persistent (I had gone to sleep without
disconnecting messenger and was asleep when the first five messages came
in) and overall seemed to be trying too hard for my tastes.
I have
realized something. There are too many goddamned dantes in this town.
It's a
simple thing. Shit or get off the pot.
I have
a friend who does nothing but make excuses for his life. He has had the
same job for over a year and a half. As long as I've known him, he complains
about his job. Yet he does next to nothing to change his situation. He
could find a better situation, but spends more time making excuses for
why he's in the situation than he does changing it. For the energy he spends
making excuses and bemoaning his situation, he could have a better apartment
for less money, a better job for more money, and lots of other missing
links in his life. I have friends who are my best friend unless I god forbid
express an opinion they might find controversial. Never mind that
I think the world of them and would never judge them harshly for telling
me when I was full of shit. Hell, I relish it! I crave it! But the mere
threat of a difference of opinion is too much for them. I see people all
the time that go through life naively and stupidly, self absorbed and expecting
everything to just come to them and when it doesn't it's not a time for
self analysis. It's a time to blame whoever is in easiest reach.
I see people who would rather complain about everything that's wrong than
take any effort to make things better, to give themselves hope and drive
and experience.
I really
don't know what makes people this way and I don't know why there's more
here than anywhere else I've ever lived...Philly, san francisco, tucson,
austin....why so many would rather shit their pants than expend the effort
to walk to the toilet...
ah fuck
it. I had more I wanted to say but law and order is on and it's one of
the ones with benjamin bratt so I must bid you fare adieu....