la morte conduce un bus.

So, yesterday, Rob and I went on a bit of an adventure.
He had the day off from work, so we went running some errands. We wanted to pick up some bus schedules, since the people on SMART customer service always sound like they're either on crack or just insane, and I didn't necessarily trust their information. I had called and asked where I could pick up a schedule. I was told to go to the nearest terminal, which was in Inkster.
So, we headed down to the terminal. On the way there, we decided to stop at Breadsmith. I saw this bunny shaped bread and suggested that we buy it for Rob's grandmother for sunday. So, protecting the bunny bread from the pouring rain, we went back to the car and headed for the terminal.
We found what was supposed to be the terminal, but it was just a big bus yard.
We drove around, but all we saw were buses not being used, and a small building for the drivers. No schedules. Nothing.
Well, shit.
Then we went to coffee, where the man ringing up our order reminded us remarkably of senor droolcup from Twin Peaks. The best part was when we were drinking our coffee and overheard him telling someone that all their sandwiches were vegetarian since the animals used for the meat had in fact been cloned.
So, we went over to the mall, because I wanted to find a chain for a necklace. I forgot what a terror the mall was on Good Friday. It was just swarming with people. Since Fairlane is so trashy, it was even worse. I didn't find the chain but I did manage to find a new diary, since my old handwritten one was nearing capcacity. As we walked back to the car, we decided to walk through the little bus depot. You see, the mall is a main connection point for a lot of the busses in the area and they have this large, semi-enclosed shelter in the middle of the parking lot. Since the car was just past that, we decided this would be a nice shortcut to keep us from getting too soaked.
Oh. Wow.
Well, there was the pimp daddy who checked me out. That was interesting. And then there was the lovely smell of various drugs being smoked. But the real classic moment was when Rob and I were talking about something and he used his hands to demonstrate to me, and apparently his gesture pissed some guy off, because he started pounding angrily at us through the plexiglass of the shelter.
My quandry about the commute to this new job was resolved right there. Rob expressed concern about my safety, commenting that he wouldn't even want to take the bus, that he could since he was a big guy and all, but that he would much prefer not to, but me as a small woman would be wise not to.
So that resolves that particular question, I guess. Anything I do is going to have to either be something I can walk to, something that has hours where Rob can drive me or is close enough and pays well enough for me to take a cab.
We're off to help his mother with a dinner she's doing at work. She's a cook for a church, and everyone who was supposed to help her flaked out so I'm playing waitress for the day....


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