i bus ed i soldi e l' ufficio funzionano, l' OH mio.
Well, the good news is I got the job. The bad news is I don't know if I can take it.
I calcualted the time before I went in there. I found out that one of the busses I had to take only ran once an hour. So, if I could start work on the half hour (eg. 4:30 pm, 5:30 pm) it would take me an hour and a half including the twenty five minute walk. However, if I had to start on the hour (4 pm, 5 pm etc) then it would take me an hour and a half plus forty five minutes to kill before I started work.
So, ostensibly, it would be a two hour commute.
Not good.
But, I decided to go because if I could work something out where I got in at least five hours, and I could come in at the more convenient time, I could do that three days a week then work weekend shifts for the other two, when I could get a ride.
I almost didn't make it to the interview. Rob underestimated the time it took to get there, so we had this "race against the clock" sensation, although that could have simply been because we were playing the soundtrack to "Phenomena" in the car. Well, the building was kind of hidden and so we missed it. Then we ran afoul of construction and had to go up the road a bit, backtrack and were about to give up when we found the place, albeit a few minutes late.
When I got there, it was the multiple interview scenario where all the applicants filled out the applications at the same time then were taken, one by one, into an office for an interview. I think these things are tacky and I'm not sure what the rationale is for doing them, but whatever.
When I got in, the woman initially had a little bit of an attitude toward me until she read about my job experience. Knowing that I was more than qualified, she warmed up quite a bit. As we talked, she warmed up even more, and I knew I had the job.
Only there was one catch.
I had a choice: weeknights or weekends. I didn't want to fully commit to just working Friday through Sunday because since weekends are the only time Rob and I have together. I wouldn't mind a weekend shift, but I didn't want that to be the only time I worked. But the weeknight shift was four nights a week from six to ten. There was no flexibility on that whatsoever.
So basically I would need to have the hour and a half commute, plus the forty five minutes of killing time, all to work for four hours.
I told Rob about it and he immediately told me not to take it. He said, if I really wanted to then to go ahead but it really wouldn't be worth it. The money wasn't that much, the hours were too few and the commute too long. I have to say that I agree with him. I'd be wary about it if it were a thirty minute commute, just because the hours are so few. But at two hours? Ugh.
Which sucks because I want the job. And I need money. I need money so bad that sixteen hours a week seems so not worth it, but I also need money so bad that I don't want to pass it up, even for sixteen hours.
So, yuck. That was my day.
I still don't know what I'm going to do.