la mia intervista con il mafia

I just cleaned my bathroom. After my battle with the spider last night, I figured I should.
Last night, as I worked on my novel, I went to use the bathroom when I saw a spider in its web. A big spider, and very brown. My two years in Texas taught me to have a zero tolerance for spiders and since the cats like to chase bugs, I figured that I should probably kill it. So, I brushed it a little with the shower curtain, which caused it to fall over. I thought it might already be dead, but that seemed odd since it was in its web. I went to work on the book, and when I finished for the night, I went back into the bathroom. The spider was back in its old spot! Thinking maybe I was just tired and not seeing straight, I brushed it with the curtain. It fell over on its back. Okay, it's dead. But then I decided, I may as well clean it up now. I was tempted to wait until morning because I could barely keep my eyes open but dead bugs on the bathroom floor are pretty disgusting. So, I grabbed a boot from the closet and attempted to push it into a spot where I could easily sweep it up. As I did, it went scurrying up the side of the tub. Oh my god! The little fucker *was* just playing dead. Wow. So I kept trying to get it, but it was really fast. It bolted toward the door, knowing that if it got into the main part of the apartment I would never find it. But, I slammed the bathroom door real fast before it could get out. I finally slammed the boot down, hard, but it got away in the nick of time. I tried again. No luck. I finally was shouting, "die, fucker!" when I succeeded in squishing it. As I opened the bathroom door, my cat Wednesday had come to check what was going on, and looked a little disappointed that she had missed out on the bug hunting expedition.
Well, today I figured that if a spider felt comfortable making its home in my bathroom it was probably too messy. So I swept, dusted, scrubbed down and made the bathroom as antiseptic as I possibly could.
Anyhow, so about that job interview.
After I wrote about it yesterday, I began feeling ambivalent. I wanted the job, but something wasn't sitting right. And it wasn't just the fact that the guy had told me I would "train at $7. hr until you're on your own." The pay is pathetically low. I talked to a girl here who just quit her job doing data entry and she was making twelve dollars an hour. But, it was the fact that the guy wasn't having me meet him in his office. He wanted me to meet at a bar that he owned, before it even opened. Additionally, I didn't have a phone number for the company, just the guy's cell phone number. There was no company email address, either, just his personal email address. Hell, he didn't even give me a company name.
I was starting to wonder if there *was* an office.
So, I asked the boy, who was really suspicious. Now, I'm prone to worrying and can be slightly paranoid. The boy, on the other hand, is very devil-may-care. So him being suspicious made me even more creeped out by the whole thing. If it was sketchy to him, it *must* be bad. Well, he looked up the bar online and we saw all these pictures. "Dear, this guy is connected." Looking at the pictures, the guy reeked of the mob. This made us both feel a little better, ironically. Okay, if this was just a front for a laundering operation that I'm more comfortable with. At least it's better than the idea of some psycho stalker who places phony ads to lure unsuspecting women. But it still made me a bit uncomfortable.
Then I saw Robert on AIM. Robert is also someone who's opinion I trust. Also, Robert has about the strongest work ethic of anyone I know so he's not really the type to cancel an interview. He admitted it was very creepy and an awkward situation. But he came up with another theory. "You know, it sounds like one of those work from home scams." He pointed out that the guy mentioned a "training pay" but didn't specify what it would be afterwards. He also pointed out that the way the guy had said "on your own" seemed to imply that I wouldn't be working in an office, which would explain why all I had was a cell phone number and a meeting at a bar.
I had to admit he was right. It was the theory that made the most sense, rather than this guy being some serial killer or being a mobster with a laundering operation. And I had to laugh at the boy and myself. It's pretty obvious that we watch almost solely horror and mob movies. But, I now had three legitimate reasons to not go to this meeting, and one of them made an incredible amount of sense. So, I emailed the guy and said that I wasn't going to make it after all.
So I'm still unemployed and without a job interview. It seems that I only ever get callbacks for scams or really underpaid factory work. Ugh.
I still like to think that the guy is Irish mob, though.


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