Over the past few years, I've seen a paucity of content on the internet. Most of it is short lived trends, bandwagon jumping, and nickle-and-diming the public to death. It's unfortunate. I blame AOL. It is sadly filled with anonymous trolling and meat market websites like myspace.
Although I am not above getting sucked into the many addictive but ultimately content-less sites, I do my best to preserve the content and thought provoking websites that caused me to fall in love with the 'net in the first place.
I try to do my part with this site, with diary projects and other up and coming web ideas. However, I also do my part by trying to find as many funny, interesting and/or intelligent sites as I can. Sometimes these are simply educational resources. Other times it's the sites of people I believe to be truly original thinkers. And other times it's unusually funny and entertaining satire.
So there you have it, the handful of sites I like enough to link here. There's a broad range represented and I believe something for everyone.
2hot4philosophy-- agents-- American Society of Primatologists-- Arin-- Captain Spiffy's-- chaos magick-- Cognitive Anthropology-- Comparative Psych News-- cobal-- continental philosophy grad programs current 93-- Dario Argento-- Engrish-- Erikson Quiz-- Hanuman online-- I Hate My Life-- I got yer anger management right here-- imdb-- Indian Mythology-- INFJ board-- International Society for Neuroethology-- Kierkegaard PhD Comics-- Philosophy of Mental Disorders-- Prairie Voles-- Primate Info Net-- Society for Psychological Anthropology-- Social Psychology Network-- spep-- Stuffed Animal Therapy
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