The other
night, I was talking with some folks about the current generation.
We were saying
how there really is no current youth rebellion. Everything that gets churned
out by television and MTV gets swallowed whole. Tell the average eightteen
year old that tobacco companies are evil and they'll believe it. Package
rebellion in a box and sell it to them and they'll think they're being
subversive. Subculture is a fashion statement, kids want to be able to
have a nice, neat white collar existence while convincing themselves they're
"different" by what club they're going to this week.
it dawned on me...
The younger
kids really didn't have much. I mean, when I was growing up I had Battlestar
Galactica and Buck Rogers, Cyndi Lauper and Weird Al Yankovich. By the
time I was in my late teens, I'd had exposure to so much sub culture, I
could seperate shlock from quality, and had a level of creativity
high enough to know the difference between bullshit and intelligence.
The current
brand of high school and college kids haven't had much, They get rehashed
fashions, rehashed movies, two dimensional television. We're more interested
in tokensim than quality. As long as there's Will and Grace, we're happy
no matter how two dimensional. People protest if their particular ethnicity
isn't represented enough on television without stopping to question the
damaging effects of having only the worst cardboard cut out stereotypes
all of this that contributes to the current sterility. There's no innovation,
no imagination. The up and coming generation sees the world in a spoon
fed vacuum.
But you
know, we aren't without hope.
Look at the
ones behind them. I'm talking the average fifth grader, the ones that will
be up and coming when they're jaded, disillusioned and bitter. These are
the kids that have been on the internet since the first grade. These are
the ones that have had anime: Pokemon, Sailor Moon, Sanrio. These are the
ones that have had RPGs and video games. These are the kids who have South
So you
see, there's hope.
The kids that
are in elementary school now have access to a wealth of information. Hell,
children's television is already more intelligent than television geared
toward 18-22 year olds. Hollywood knows that they can't insult these kids'
intellect. They're pumping out as many vapid blockbusters for the current
college crowd as they can muster, get as much profit as they can, because
when the kids who are trading Pokemon cards now are old enough to get into
a rated R movie, there's going to be enough among them who were creatively
stimulated they won't be able to churn out all the crap. It also
means there's going to be some new youth subculture. I don't know
what it will be, but one thing's for certain: they aren't all going to
be anti-smoking, anti-drinking Blink 182 fanatics....