Before you, are pictures of my baby.
Metaphorically speaking, of course.
What started as a sort of fun little project when I lived in Austin (circa 1996-1998) has become something of my life's work, that I won't settle on until it reaches perfection. It's undergone many writes and rewrites, causing me to enroll in a variety of creative writing and philosophy classes, to get that last vital insight which will make it good enough in my eyes, capture that last, final, crucial point where I'll merit it worthy of soliciting agents to push its publication.
It's an amalgamation of many things, some weird hybrid of Bukowski meets Argento meets Lynch meets Kierkegaard. For awhile, I attempted to refine it and focus it. But I thought, Lucia is herself rather unrefined and unfocused, so why should her story be?
The basic premise of the book is that the protagonist, Lucia, is working as a topless dancer when a customer hands her a Kierkegaard quote. This launches her into something of an existential crisis, all the while running afoul of bizarre love affairs, demon stalkers and eccentric millionaires. Here you get a glimpse of that world. Parts of it will be confusingly out of context, but through these disjointed passages, you'll get an idea of what's behind this particular obsession of mine. All writings linked to this page are, of course, copyrighted. And while I doubt that most folks will take the time to read all of these passages let alone opt to steal them, I think it's fair to warn you that all IP addresses are logged. That said, enjoy it. And if you like what you see, don't hesitate to sign my guestbook and let me know. It might be just the nag I need to stop watching bad tivo'd shows and do those "last" bits of revision.
Omens of Kierkegaard | Guilt Dreams | Invasion of the Ex-boyfriends | Fleeting Epiphanies | One Last Shot | Tequila Diary |
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