I've been feeling a bit under the weather as of late.
Ever since we got back from New Orleans, I've had absolutely no motivation, and been having some severe aches and pains, all through my body. Sometimes it's a leg or a hand, but primarily it's been back and shoulder pain. My stomach has also been cramping up a lot and my throat is sore as hell. My sinuses are also for shit. What sucks, is it's this perenially "about to get sick" feeling. Rob also has been feeling kind of rough, congestested and fatigued. We suspect we might have picked up some bug in New Orleans. It's swampy and warm and not terribly clean, a virtual breeding ground for germs. And since neither one of us grew up in the south, we don't have quite the immunity for stuff down there.
 At least that's a theory. Last time Rob went to New Orleans, he came back sick and I know I got really sick for long spans of time when I lived in Texas. Or maybe just the sudden drastic increase in exercise we had down there, combined with the shock to our system of going someplace warm after being cold for so long, has worked against us.
 Whatever the case, we don't much feel like doing anything. We finally worked our way up to a coffeehouse and Osco run. I told Katerina about the planned move to Kalamazoo and had  myself a good cappucino. It was pretty packed in there, but we still got a seat in the smoking section.
I just got myself a ryo-ohki backpack. I got it from my  brother and sister in law's  store. I'm becoming really addicted to the tenchi muyo show.
 You know, after Jennifer died I was anti social for a long time, but then I sort of reacted against it. A keep busy sort of thing. I wound up entertaining guests at my house a little too often. Sometimes things get said in a drunken haze and sometimes things float in and out in a way that makes you damned nostalgic, but it's really just a pill, just a high and is good for the time being. I'm back to being anti social for the time being. I feel introspective, just reading and preparing to move. I don't expect to look back.
 For some reason a lot of folks seem to be "regulars" on this page. Which is cool, but I feel kinda boring right now. I'm too close to moving. I mean I don't even like leaving the house, it's too much hassle, so I only do it when I absolutely have to. Rob and I sit around, watch Law and Order and anime and such. But it's cool. I have had strangers tell me how much they like the page, I've had net associates on message boards tell me about stuff they read, or how much they like it and that's cool too. I think a lot of folks like the personalness of it, tho right now I'm trying hard not to get redundant. Even some people I know in Chicago but that I wouldn't exactly call friends tell me how much they like it (which is funny if you figure that I've pretty openly attacked icons of their lifestyle, attitudes and quirks but hey if they're getting something out of it, then I guess I can feel good about that.) so that's cool but unless my brain kicks into high gear soon, you kids might be disappointed by this month's stuff. Well, the only reason I'm writing anything at all is  that I promised myself I would write at least twelve essays a month. And this is something like #7 and the month is already more than half over. Gotta keep up and all.
 I think Rob and I are going to a rave tomorrow, if we feel up to it, so hopefully there will be some interesting tales. We're hoping for, ahh, pez.
 I actually am not without thoughts, I've realized. I have a lot of thoughts on art, drug addiction and anime and my cats but I'm just too braindead to formulate them. Sorry, I'll try to catch up next week.

 february            pontifications