May 1,2004

But what if I am hard to follow?

I tried to approach a middle ground...

I have a short fuse, no question there.

May 2,2004

He was worried I missed dinner,I asked if I could use his shower...

I'm very torn on this whole aesthetics class.

May 3,2004

I had a very vivid dream about linguistic philosophy...

(If they ever give me a teacher and a book.)

I guess you never know what a sore spot might be.

May 4,2004

Everyone is going to be there.

Thanks to name deleted, I'm now horribly self conscious about talking about myself...

Let the voicemail get it.

May 5,2004

I made Psi Chi officer (secretary).

Okay, I'll be eating blintzes now.

Mr. Smug.

May 6,2004

name deleted always tells me to come in a few minutes early to do stuff then doesn't actually get me 'til the time of the appointment.

To quote the giant in Twin Peaks, "It's happening...again.

No wonder it's the stuff of satire.

May 7,2004

I refuse to believe that ethics is based on feeling and intent, Aristotle be damned.

name deleted was just a net acquaintance I'd never even met.

I knew I recognized his name...
May 8,2004

Wake up in a bad mood.

Sometimes I want to run away from everything and everyone, go someplace where I don't have to always answer to someone or explain myself.

May 10,2004

name deleted taught me how to do the data entry for watermaze.

I'm great at figuring out what is happening, it's the why that gets me.

I don't want to open that can of worms.

May 11,2004

I can't tell if I'm an evil genius for thinking of it or hopelessly dense for it taking so long for me to do so.

...all reason flies out the window.

...mentioned being on an aesthetics kick and we talked about Kant.

May 12,2004

This building sucks.

Ordinary concepts that were things in my life, like foam in my hair.

How many times have I said it?

May 13,2004

Every week he tells me, "I really think we're getting somewhere",I guess.

They may in fact be well wishers in that they mean me no specific harm.

I described the conversation about the rats coming to life and mentioned re-animator.

May 15,2004

I dropped stats and traded it for re-animator.

May 16,2004

...seemed surprised when I said "people open up to me easily" and later I said I'm comfortable around people that spontaneously open up to me, and he said "how often does that happen?" in the it doesn't happen very much sort of way and I said, "you'd be surprised."

but my mind is perenially wandering...

...never time to even enjoy the things I do.

May 17,2004

So after class I went by the lab.

I said I had my rat and chemical safety class last semester and was thinking of going to departmental honors in which case name deleted would attach me to an experiment.

So now I have to declare my minor in Philosophy and BA in honors psychology.

May 18,2004

Some people are so stupid that you seriously have to wonder how they get through the day.

Am I pedantic? Or are Philosophers? A little of both maybe? Not pedantic but verbose I guess.

May 19,2004

Well, one thing's for certain. I'll never try to tell when someone is lying versus when they're not. I'll just assume everyone's always telling me the truth. It's easier that way.

May 20,2004

Running into everyone. And interrupting everyone.

I still feel half-blind.

I guess the up side is that I am no DUMBER than anyone else, even if I'm no smarter either.

May 21,2004

We're having a hail storm.

Even more, why am I fixating on this?

May 23,2004

Well that was interesting.

When all else fails, play miss innocent.

But I guess it's irrelevant.

May 24,2004

I finally have shit I want to do on LJ and it's fucking up bad.

I want...(don't go there.)

I've been daydreaming.

May 25,2004

I'll entertain some idyllic daydream about the future.

At some point, name deleted gave me a funny look.

Ambiguous or obviously contradictory answers.

May 26,2004

So. It's a question of focusing will.

The sigil--chaos magick for chaos personalities.

I did the watermaze stuff.

May 27,2004

God, a little coffee with your foam?

It needs to be catharsis for...

Actions were karmically significant but operating on the heraclitus principle.

May 28,2004

I am so god awful cranky today.

And a nightmare, something about not able to go grocery shopping and a weird lurking evil.

Maybe I should have been more direct but that isn't my way.

May 29,2004

I dreamed I was in Iowa City.

Except it's immoral. Which only makes me want it more.

He suggested Brazil...told me about the wild monkeys, making me very happy...

May 30,2004

I need a name for this.

My throat and nose hurt.

It's just the big think...

May 31,2004

Maybe it's just absolution.

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