March 1,2005

Buried in snow.

I feel like I'm evoking weird reactions.

That conversation with --was sort of awkward.

March 2,2005

I lost weight.

name deleted was being all weird to me because she and name deleted were badmouthing me behind my back.

Does all paranoia have a grain of truth? How big is that grain?

March 3,2005

Noon. Self consciousness rears its ugly head.

The lab is...weird.

I'm a faker. I'm a phony. I'm never going to be able to do this.

March 4,2005

Pretentious girl is here. God.

--It's not ephedrine that made me confuse you with the other guy whe I got a closer look, I saw. I just need new glasses. It's the ephedrine that makes me friendly is all...

I hate people.

March ?,2005

I've been sick for days.

Rob's been working long hours. I've been missing him. and worrying,too, fears of him driving on so little the snow...

and having odd dreams.

March 13,2005

This cough sucks.

March 15,2005

I'm sick of feeling sick all the time.

Who was I kidding to think I could go into social? It's such bullshit.

I guess I'm not going into neuroscience after all. My mind just isn't technical enough. Besides, I feel like a liar...a fake...a phony.

March 17,2005

I'm slowly but surely feeling better but my neck and shoulder are killing me.

Calm finally washed over me with the whole Philosophy thing, but I haven't decided if I want to try next year or take an extra year...

Odd dreams last night...included howler monkeys.

March 18,2005

My shoulder hurts, but not as badly as it has.

I think my emptiness is tied in with this frustrated, stuck feeling. This malaise, this ennui. Just being stuck as an undergrad...

I'm kidding myself with clinical--it's not what I want anymore.

March 19,2005

Loss of nerve?

I've got to get away

Ockham's Razor.

March 21,2005

I lost my hairtie, dammit.

I've been trying to decide what to do when I should be trying to decide what to know.

In other words, if I can't fit in with the practical world...don't try.

March 23,2005

Another cut price epiphany...

I saw name that his name? My labmate.I feel like such an outcast among them. They'!

Clinical psych was okay today. But somehow I got a weird vibe.

March 25,2005

I'm worried about the grade I got in --'s class.

Like...not dislike per se, but more...>
March 27,2005

God, I hate people.

March 29,2005

It's been a couple of days since I've written. Or something like that.

As I was answering the question, he cut me off.

March 31,2005

I can't take my bird class.

I told him, I was starting to think that comparative psych news was following me around and posting articles based on what I was studying.

I told her about my prairie vole paper.

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