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I wish the world would leave me alone.
Aesthetics made me feel better. name deletedknows a lot about film.
Is 28 weeks right? Or is it days? Shit. How can I not know that?
I barely studied for that test last night.
Why did that woman just give me a dirty look?
I'm at this pleasant deli/cafe type place right next to DIA.
I don't care how much a pain in the ass this secretary business is, I wouldn't give up these office hours for anything.
...and he was bummed because he really thought we were getting somewhere.
But yeah, I'm taking belly dancing lessons.
She's moody. She's jealous. She hates me.
There must be an enviable quality. I may not, in fact, be cool enough.
The tattoo went well except for the part where I passed out.
I love IP tracking.
I need to read Plato.
Talked to name deleted on YM.
Shit like that makes me really not miss living there.
I don't need him, subtly or overtly, reminding me of how bad my life used to be.
Venus. It's transiting the sun today.
Whatever the case, it was a nice start to the day.
The dreams have been weird. One about Kant.
so much by rote...but he doesn't seem to notice except in an aesthetic way.
Sometimes I feel like he's getting more out of it than I am. That there's this euphoria he gets from "making breakthroughs" and he likes to learn things THROUGH me.
I felt like there was just a really specific way in which I should be improving and that I somehow was just not getting it, but I couldn't for the life of me figure out what that was and just felt like I was doing something wrong if I didn't agree with his assessment or direction.
The only time you're safe is when you're watching tv or on the internet.
It was a lot to digest.
God, my tattoo itches.
Even the most ethical of us are horrible if you go deep enough.
I just really didn't think that was the cause or know what he wanted of me.
Well,it goes deeper than that.
Maybe it's just sexist generalizatons.
Should I bring it up or let it go?
I hate how as soon as it warms up I get harrassed.
I totally forgot I'll be in Toronto.
I'm such a kid in the candy store with research interests anyhow.
In a furious rage is more like it.
I was listening to name deleted talk about the kind of lab stuff she does and how she doesn't like biopsych because there's "no room for interpretation" and I was thinking, "isn't the whole point of science not to interpret?"
Things on the brink.
I was at a porn shop...
They just tossed me on the phones with no preparation but they gave me M&Ms.
I should stop hating my classmates.
I just ran into my teacher. She wants me to let people know that she's going to (ahh,here she is.)
"Amy--take the day off. See you Wed. Love,US" <--from my labmates.
Sometimes I really want to just do labwork.
Hmm, I'm the sun. name deleted is the fool. name deleted is the heirophant.
Blind trust, uninhibited impulse, but you also can't escape the fact that you're about to run off a cliff...
I read about a study that recruited through a poster that said "Are you moody? Do you mistrust people? Do you find relationships painful and difficult?" Jesus, doesn't that describe half the college kids in America?!?
I feel like death on a stick today but it's getting better.
Should I really be going to my therapist for grad school advice?
People are more honest when drunk.
Livejournal has been down for two days. It's really pissing me off.
I don't get it...total destruction of conceptions, total shock to the system, chaos.
At the center is Temperance. The fool may be prominent but is in check, tempering extreme elements, beauty from deep spiritual merging combining forces, leading to abundance but in a way that could be imprisoning and is taken to extremes causing total disorder and chaos.
Yeah, there are certain things that are just rules.
My phone isn't exactly ringing off the hook.
Aesthetics leaves me uninspired.
I don't ask for much...
I approached her, tried to explain, but she didn't want to hear it. I started talking about Philosophy.
The party was good. I like my labmates.
Hah! Biopsych is gonna save my life.
In the true chaos sense, you called the energy into being.
That buzzsaw outside is pissing me off.
My back is killing me. And I threw up my first cup of coffee.
I feel like the volume is turned way up.
I have no future. Again.
When do I get to have a bad day?
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