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I feel like shit.
I walked out of State Hall, saw the guy I sit next to in my Kant class. I waved at him. He didn't wave back. I assume it's because he didn't see me.
I want to go hibernate. Somewhere.
I went out for a smoke and saw name deleted. Hadn't seen him in ages.
I'm feeling good about things.
Dizzying. Trying to figure it all out.
I'm in a panic. A cold,cold panic.
I had odd dreams last night.
In my own experience, this card has always meant bittersweet...
All seems to imply strong sentiment but passivity through angst.
I just meditated.
She told me it would cause the manifestation of all the potentialities of interactions that I envisioned.
I should finish my Kant paper now.
I got sososo drenched on the way to class today.
Arrgh, is name deleted ever a flake. I got there, he was having some meeting or other still--he'd told me he had a student to meet at 3:30 and said to come by in a little bit, so I did, he was still in a meeting so he told me to email him. Arrgh.
lately I've been getting past the lab debacle and feeling good about stuff again.
I got invited to a department holiday party.
Wow, that was so much fun! Parties can be FUN!
Anyways, so I ased a question but from a foot away.
People are seriously freaking me out today.
As I came upon the Hancock building, I saw professor name deleted. I started telling him all about how much sensation and perception helped me with my Kant class.
name deleted started talking to me. I couldn't follow what he was saying...
Woo hoo! Monkey Man!
I had a BLAST at the Psi Chi induction.
I'm not sure why I'm even worried.
I've been studying and studying and studying and I'm still confused. I'm never going to get this stuff.
I need to get my head straight.
But first...sleep.
I have ennui.
I really hate that clinical is so ridiculously hard to get into.
I'm groggy.
I feel like crap...sneezy,dry skin, sinusy...
I had weird dreams last night.
I dreamed I was in name deleted's class, but he wanted me to teach it and I had no idea what to say, since I hadn't been exposed to the materials before.
I have obnoxious people sitting behind me.
Later. name deleted last class was all of ten minutes. He had evals but never pulled them out.
It's so complex...
My head feels ready to BURST.
Had nightmares. Psychology related.
I bombed the exam.
I want my stats grade!!
I can still get into a masters program.
I miss working in the lab. Sigh.
Even dipping their biscotti, they're tooth-breaking hard.
Ahh, that final was exhausting...after my stats final, any final that doesn't make me cry is a good final.
I think I'm the subject of conversation among Philosophy grad students.
I have epistemology coming out of my ears.
This feeling of unreality is becoming increasingly commonplace.
I saw life through an entirely different lens when I was in the amazon and I feel so different now--
Finally you shut up. Gaah.
Hmm--I wonder if name deleted forgot what time the final is?
Had my Epistemology exam. GAHH. Such a nervous wreck. I think I did okay. I seriously agonized over every word.
I'm filled with melancholy.
Plus, she only half listened to anything I said and just made these cheesy little assumptions.
and name deleted was weird...his intrusive questions about people in the department...
Still no grades.
I don't have a life anymore. I've hitched a ride on someone else's.<
New Orleans.
I guess it's plausible.
Being in New Orleans is like being a time jumping ghost. I keep having flashes of each time I've been here.
I had weird dreams.
They're slipping away.
I was not in clinical...I was in neuroscience...but I think there was something like psychological assessment, but I forget what else.
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