August 8,2003

Trying to deal with my wealth of conflicting emotions.

August 9,2003

Such a convoluted patchwork of emotions and not so good at concealing them.

Sometimes I wish I could get quiet when I want/need it.

My mouth hurts.
August 10,2003

Sigh. I'm a basketcase. And I want cookies.

August 12,2003

He fixed me a drink that was perfect and tasty and we talked. He told stories about how the world used to be.

Sometimes I'm wondering if I'm causing too much stress.
August 13,2003

The toenail that was hanging on by a bloody thread came off this morning.

August 14,2003

....just what the hell did I dream last night, anyways?.......

August 15,2003

I had so regretted how fucked up my brain got despite my valiant efforts to fend it off...

August 17,2003


August 28,2003

Crazy people never shut up when I sit down.

August 29,2003

oh...screw you.

Why does everyone feel this overwhelming need to tell me how I'd be much better off if I was more like them?

August 31,2003

But those are my standards.

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