August 1,2005

Insomnia again.

Yes, my skirt is rising. {gasp}.

I must commit seppuku now.

August 2,2005

I find it hard to differentiate between missing a thing and missing a FEELING.

I might not see it but THEY do.

...freed me from obstacles.

August 5,2005

This croissant is sort of bad. But it's food, right?

And I am convinced Aleister Crowley wrote all their information.

"This is where I choose to stay. This is where I fall apart."

August 6,2005

This movie is creeping me out.

August 7,2005

Weird dreams.

Not good at all.

Trapped in Greensburg. And.

August 9,2005

It's really harsh out there, esp. for me who hasn't been walking that much.

Weird...I've dreaded coming up here, been putting it off for two weeks, but couldn't resist coming into Java? for one last cappucino.


August 14,2005

We're going to Maine!!

August 15,2005

Maine is off.

August 16,2005

On the plus side, people hating me for my caustic ways was non-existent in the lab...

I let people push me around.

And I'm told that I let people push me around. name deleted told me. name deleted told me. Hell, even name deleted told me--after just a five minute conversation!

August 18,2005

4:28 am. Ahh, flip-flopping.

It's starting to subside.

August 21,2005


August 23,2005

Slept well last night.

August 25,2005

Clarity sinks in.

I had no idea that hitchhiker's guide had so many jabs at academic philosophy.

I need an omen.

How did I skip that page?

August 28,2005

This commute really scares me.

eww, that milk was sour.

That name deleted guy was a jerk. All my labmates were.

August 30,2005

Very late. Drinking wine.'s dizzying to explain. Gets so big and noisy in my head, racing thoughts and blind terror consuming me.

My mind fills with compulsions and those compulsions become compulsions.

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