The fates are taunting me.
So, as you know, I am looking for a part time job just sort of to fill the void until I go. (Well, a part time or temporary position.) I saw an ad for a web design firm in need of a part time telemarketer position. I figured this would be a good way to both earn money as well as learn more about the industry, since I am supposedly going to be a design major starting this August.
 So this guy calls me. He tells me that he noticed on my resume that I know Flash (heh, you'd never be able to tell by looking at my web page would you? That's forthcoming as soon as I stop procrastinating.) and perhaps I might be interested in a designer position. I try to explain to him that I'm only at the beginning of my design studies and am far from being a professional. He tells me that his office is a great place for me to get my feet wet, get an "in" into the field and whatnot. He then goes on to say that if I didn't want to do that, there was also an office administrator position opening up that would be perfect for me, yatta yatta yatta.
 Heh fucking figures.
 Now, I'm willing to bet that "foot in the door" probably translates into making a good deal less than what web designers generally make,while learning the industry. But I have no problem with that. I figure it still goes a lot further than a piece of paper from an academic institution will.
No that is not what bothers me. What bothers me is that the fates are doing it again. Taunting me, the bastards.
I have this ongoing game with the great robot deities of fate. See, this is not the first time I have been prepared to finalize a relocation deal and had some enticing opportunity tossed my way if I stay. It happened in Austin. Come to think of it, it happened in Tucson and Flagstaff, too. Come to think of it, it has happened almost every place I have ever lived. Whatever I disliked the most about what I wanted there, or what I felt was the most out of reach, presents itself at my feet. It's as if the robot deities of fate are asking me "Are you sure that you want to leave?"
 But there's a catch. See, everytime I fall prey to their trickery, it all reverses itself. That best friend winds up moving out of town. That kickass bar closes down. That great job begins to feel like some foul trap, sucking my soul. That school winds up not being so great after all. Well you get the idea.
 So, oh robot deities, I see your trap and I avoid it. Yeah maybe it would be a great opportunity but it would mean giving up a cool town, a luxurious apartment, and Russian puppeteers with a llama farm. I ain't bitin'. And after I go through the program at KZoo I'll be in a position to get many,many more offers than at this point in my life. And I figure, I've given the robot deities enough laughs at my expense, this time the joke is on them.
Um, I think.

 january             pontifications